Norway is rumbling too
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
Countries investigating WT child abuse.
by zeb inlist the countries here which investigating... australia with the arc and not "apostate lies" according the gb member jackson 2015.. uk with charities investigation.
holland 2018 from their parliament.. .
There is Important Dutch News: majority in Dutch Parliament require an investigation into child abuse within JWs
by AndersonsInfo inthere is important dutch news: majority in dutch parliament require an investigation into child abuse within jws
the lower house requires independent investigation into abuse of jehovah's witnesses .
june 28, 2018 18:56 .
Anders Andersen
To clarify:
A couple of Representatives have filed a motion that asks the Minister of Justice to conduct an investigation into JW abuse issues.
Unofficially the motion appears to be supported by a majority, but the official vote will not be until later (next week Tuesday I think).
Then it's up to the Minister of Justice to either accept or ignore the motion. Unofficially has has said 'not to be unwilling' to accept.
Olin Moyle
by Vincent Law inolin moyle was a attorney for the wtbts during joseph rutherford reign.
his papers from wtbts are still at princeton in the rare books section and boxed up.
what is the likely hood that that there was political entanglement and that politics did not keep wtbts at arm's length but from time to time has used the wtbts for it's purposes.
Anders Andersen
Moyle preached Judaism and was very much involved with the Zionist movement after leaving the Watchtower cult. So there's that connection.....
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Anders Andersen
Besides all the serious concerns about the validity and interpretation of any claims that one 'race' (which is a social construct, not a biological one) has a higher IQ than another, this is what stands out to me:
Black Americans today have a higher IQ (on average) than white Americans two generations ago. Yet somehow our (lower IQ) grandparents managed to build and continue a thriving society with science, arts, and the whole shebang.
If our 'dumb white grandparents' could do it, surely any 'race' alive today can.
At for the quotes on subspecies and cleaning up the breeding area: they're both unscientific and immoral. Adolf Hitler made sure eugenics and Übermensch breeding was tainted forever.
Anders Andersen
I would be interested to see if Watchtower attempt to take these videos down
"Your honorable kameradski judge, as we all know our religion has been banned in Russia, therefore Watchtower petitions the court to take these illegal religious videos offline...."
I Ain't Got No Religion No More ... (But I Like to Get Myself Some Gospel Music)
by Simon ini love gospel music.
i don't feel like i need to believe in "jebus" to appreciate the music.
i can't go into a gospel church because i might just get religion again - that or i'll be grabbing the mic on be on the stage waving my hands and praising the lord.. i particularly like dylan's gospel period.
Anders Andersen
I hate cults. I don't like organized religion at all. I don't think any gods exist, and the Bible God is an evil asshole.
That being said, I like me some gospel as well. I quite like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir....well at least some of their songs.
Goose bumps all the time. (No that's not my skin crawling of due to looking at brothers and sisters from another ''mother")
Oh and is "Hallelujah" considered gospel? One of my all time favorite songs...
Anyway thanks Simon, now I wasted my afternoon youtubing choirs and gospel :-D
Anders Andersen
BTW I see a JW org email address in that screenshot.
On Friday, June 22, 2018, the worldwide brotherhood of EXJW decided to write letters of appeal to religious authorities at the highest level who were threatening to ban our activities throughout the internet. While it cannot be determined exactly how many of the letters reached the Watchtower authorities, several who wrote received formal letters of acknowledgement. Though the Watchtower leaders chose not to heed the respectful appeals and have misused their authority to attack the apostasy of our brothers, the campaign was a stirring display of the global unity of unorganized EXJW. It was also successful in sending the message to our fellow apostates everywhere that the whole association of brothers is ready to provide support.
A young girl in Bolivia participates in the campaign.
Apostates in Guinea meet together to write letters.
One EXJW explains: “When the brothers on Youtube heard that a global letter-writing campaign in their behalf was started, they knew that no matter the outcome in court, they were not alone in the faith.” -
Anders Andersen
@Fay Dehr,
It would be a shame if someone who has these videos submitted them to
Since Democrats Are All About the “Children” why does ABORTION Not Bother Them?
by minimus inif everything is supposed to be about the lives of children, how can they hypocritically fight to take babies and kill them?
what about the children and their quality of life?.
Anders Andersen
I think educating people is a much better approach to fixing problems than right at the end of the pipeline with welfare and other emergency interventions.
I agree. If more "pro-lifers/anti-choicers" had the same idea, they could try to make sure their youth has proper sex ed (that goes beyond "don't have sex, God hates it"), knows about and has access to anti-conception, etc...
Since Democrats Are All About the “Children” why does ABORTION Not Bother Them?
by minimus inif everything is supposed to be about the lives of children, how can they hypocritically fight to take babies and kill them?
what about the children and their quality of life?.
Anders Andersen
The abortion crowd never says they are "pro abortion" it is always "pro choice."
Yes, we all know "the abortion crowd" goes around forcing pregnant women to have an abortion.
They're trying to make laws forcing women to have at least one abortion in their lives.
And they go around bombing fertility clinics because the "pro abortion crowd" just hates babies.
They're not satisfied with women to have legal and safe opportunity to choose to have an abortion or not, they force them to have abortions because they're all 'pro-abortion'.Jesus what utter bullshit.
I can agree with those who express their disagreement with one position or the other, while accepting that whatever a woman decides to do with her body is her personal business, not theirs or the government's.But those who create straw men arguments by implying that the "pro-choice" crowd is actually "pro-abortion"...yeah I think that's quite dishonest.
To me the issue appears to be pro-choice vs anti-choice (wrt abortion).
Btw do the "pro-lifers/anti-choicers" actually rally to make the government support poor and struggling parents? Do they (in general) only value new life, or do they care about the quality of that life (and the lives of the parents and siblings) as well?
Anyway I never understood the USA model of polarizing everything. Pro-choice vs vs seems to leave way too little middle ground for people who are not in any of the extremes and want to add and discuss caveats and grey areas.